OntoViz: a visual browser for ontologies v.1.0 OntoViz, an ontology browser is an extension of my undergraduate honors thesis.This package is affordable, yet powerful enough.
#Visual basic for mac build mac for mac os

Just upload files generated by the photo album builder to your server and. Visual LightBox for Mac OS v.2.3 A wizard program that helps you easily generate web photo galleries on Mac OS with a nice Lightbox-style overlay effect, in a few clicks without writing a single line of code.The layout of the menu is controlled by CSS. You can replace larger parts of the menus after it has been loaded.

That is because of its features for altering menu items on the fly.
#Visual basic for mac build mac for mac os x
Visual Paradigm for UML (Modeler Edition) for Mac OS X v.5.3 SP3 Visual Paradigm for UML is an easy-to-use UML tool that supports reverse engineering, code generation, import Rational Rose, export/import XMI, report generator, MS Visio integration.Visual Paradigm for UML (Personal Edition) for Mac OS X v.5.3 SP3 Visual Paradigm for UML is an easy-to-use UML tool that supports reverse engineering, code generation, import Rational Rose, export/import XMI, report generator, MS Visio integration.Visual Paradigm for UML (Community Edition) for Mac OS X v.5.3 SP3 Visual Paradigm for UML is an easy-to-use UML tool that supports reverse engineering, code generation, import Rational Rose, export/import XMI, report generator, MS Visio integration.It is an easy-usable, object-oriented, compiled, stable, fast and modern programming language written. It is related to Visual Basic® and Objective-C. Objective-Basic for Mac OS v.1.0 A powerful BASIC programming language for Mac, which is simply intuitive and fast easy to learn.System analysts can write use case step in. Visual Paradigm for UML gives system analysts all the tools needed to capture and organize requirements.

Visual Paradigm for UML (Enterprise Edition) for Mac OS v.8.0 A software design tool supports Unified Modeling Language (UML), SysML and database design diagram.